Ensuring safe and resilient urban growth in the ASEAN region is a huge challenge. The region suffers significantly from the impacts of disasters, and this is set to intensify due to climate change.
In support of the implementation of Phase II of the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER) Work Programme 2016–2020, BUILD SAFELY has been identified as one of eight priority programmes. BUILD SAFELY recognizes strengthening disaster and climate resilience of secondary cities as a priority, especially given the rapid urbanization and increasing disaster risk in ASEAN cities.
In support, a free training course on disaster risk management for urban planning practitioners in the ASEAN region has been developed.
This training course was developed by ICEM - International Centre for Environmental Management, with support by the Government of Canada through the Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRM) Fund administered by the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
The course ultimately provides tools to make cities in the region safer. It covers what disaster risk management is, what building urban resilience requires, how that applies to urban planners and what urban planning actions can be taken.
The training relates to a typical urban planning process relevant to the ASEAN Member States (AMS). The materials are relevant to processes and procedures that architects, engineers, urban planners and others involved in urban planning are familiar with and apply in their work. Approaches, methods, and tools for integrating disaster risk into the various components or steps within urban planning, to improve urban resilience, are provided.
The free, self-learning course may be downloaded and completed independently by anyone, and does not need delivery or moderation by a training institute or other organization. The course includes PowerPoints, written and video case studies, handout reading material and activities. It takes approximately two and a half days to complete but does not need to be undertaken in one go.
The self-learning course has been created to increase the outreach, sustainability and impact of the training materials.
You can access the free course at www.icem.com.au/learndrm